The Social Security Administration often issues new rules and procedures which can impact your case. The Federal Court system also continually issues decisions that change the direction of the law. Only a skilled Social Security Disability Attorney can master, implement and keep up with the myriad Social Security laws, rules and regulations, (Found in United State Code; Code of Federal Regulations; Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Manual-Hallex; and the Program Operation Manual System (POMS). So-called Social Security Claims Representatives are NOT attorneys and do not possess the legal skills to argue the law on behalf of a Social Security Claimant. When your case is being presented to an Administrative Law Judge, you need to be confident that the legal arguments are being argued on your behalf by an attorney such as Randy Zeldin, Esq.
The first stage in getting a denial of Social Security reversed is to ask for Reconsideration. This means that the case will be heard again by the Disability Determination Services, a unit of the Social Security Administration. If successful, this process can considerably speed up a successful outcome. As an attorney, the Reconsideration stage offers a potential short cut to winning a case. If successful, instead of waiting for 2 years for adjudication, the case can be won in a few months! They key as the Reconsideration stage is to make contact by letter and telephone with the Social Security Adjudicator assigned to the case. Often the Adjudicator is missing key medical records or opinions. Attorney Randy Zeldin, Esq. will discuss your case with the Adjudicator to ascertain whether a favorable decision can be achieved at an early stage. There is nothing like direct “person to person” contact afforded by Reconsideration, to expedite a Social Security case!
Most cases ultimately are heard at the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR). This involves presentation of medical and vocational evidence and live testimony before an Administrative Law Judge, (Social Security Judge).. Randy Zeldin, Esq. can prepare and present your case at either the West Palm Beach or Ft. Lauderdale Social Security hearing offices. At hearing before a Judge, is the most critical time to have expert attorney representation. The Social Security Administration and the Social Security Judge usually appoint Expert Medical Advisors and independent Vocational Experts, as witnesses. This expert testimony can make or break a case-skilled cross-examination and careful preparation by Social Security Attorney Randy Zeldin are necessary to achieve a favorable decision.
In the event that a case is lost before an Administrative Law Judge, it can be appealed to either the Appeals Council or ultimately, to U.S. Federal Court. Although it is difficult to win statistically at the appeal level, it is sometimes the best option. Other times, the appeal is a waste of valuable time and the Claimant will be advised to start the process again and file a new application. This decision to appeal or not to appeal, can only be made with the expert counsel of a skilled Social Security Attorney.
It is imperative to file all appeals and have the documents complete and properly prepared, within 60 days of any denial by the Social Security Administration. Attorney representation will keep track of all critical deadlines, to make certain that no case is dismissed.
Under the Social Security laws, you will never be responsible for any fee out of your own pocket. All attorney fees are contingent and based upon benefits secured on your behalf. If the case is lost, no attorney fees will be due and owing. The Claimant and the attorney “ride in the same boat” and will win or lose together as a team.
It is always wise to have an attorney look at the “big picture,” to make sure that all legal avenues are being pursued on your behalf. Often a disability is the result of someone’s negligence or a workers’ compensation matter. Sometimes there are employment issues connected with a person’s inability to gain employment, such as violation with the Americans with Disabilities Act or similar Florida laws.
Although no attorney can or should promise an outcome, skill and expertise can contribute to the probability of success. Zealous representation on behalf of the client’s best interest, coupled with integrity, are critical elements of a good lawyer.
Contact us for a free and confidential consultation.